Street Photography: The Undeniable Power of Black and White
Simplicity is elegance. That's black and white (B&W) photography. It outshines colour in street photography.

The Art of Street Photography: Balancing Aesthetic Appreciation and Authenticity
As soon as we start talking about the 'decisive moment,' 'juxtaposition,' or 'contrast,' we risk sounding like the archetype of an 'art wanker' - individuals who revel in artistic esotericism to the point of alienation. However, it's possible and essential to blog about street photography without indulging in this pitfall.

Sydney City: A Street Photographers Guide
Sydney is a celebration of city life in its most organic form—ever-dynamic, ever-charming.

The Changing Landscape of Street Photography: A Look into the Impact of Social Media and Ethics
The impact of social media on street photography is profound and double-edged. It has democratized the art form, allowing more people to participate and appreciate it. Simultaneously, it has amplified ethical concerns surrounding privacy and consent.

A Homage to the Ineffably Ineffable: The Fujifilm X100V, An Allegory of Exorbitant Excellence.
The Fujifilm X100V is a veritable conduit for transmuting ordinary reality into visionary splendour. It's as if Da Vinci's Last Supper decided to copulate with Kodak, birthing this utterly captivating device that ostensibly catapults the unwary influencer into the stratosphere of god’s own creative potential.

Who gets to choose the meaning of a photo?
A common critique of contemporary street photography is photographers' overuse of implied meaning from their work.

A Year of Living Dangerously: Shooting JPEG Only for 365 Days
Over the next year, I expect to encounter challenges and frustrations but anticipate growth and a renewed passion for the craft. It's a year of living dangerously in the best possible way.